Unraveling Mummies: Modern Technology, Dissection, and Ancient Egypt

Unraveling Mummies: Modern Technology, Dissection, and Ancient Egypt, Grades 6-8

Modern technology allows us to view and study mummies like never before. Using CT scans and dissections of a real sheep heart, students dig into the culture, anatomy, beliefs, and mummification & burial practices exercised by ancient Egyptians. This laboratory experience combines these explorations of culture, anatomy, CT-scanning, organ function, and density to help students understand ancient Egyptian mummification as well as the application of modern technology in studying ancient cultures.

Please note: This program is not available as a Spanish program at this time.

1 chaperone per 10 students is required. Price: $235 per program of up to 32 students and 4 chaperones. 

Find out if you qualify for scholarship: https://www.dmns.org/learn/scholarships/

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Click below for more information.

Field Trip Checklist

School Bus Map

The customized itinerary contains details of your entire field trip from arrival to departure. The only fixed times are the program start times.

This tool is designed to help teachers and chaperones explore the exhibit space with their students and connect to the dissection lab. Guides are available in English and Spanish.

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