Summer Day Camps 2025

Colorado Shines is the state’s quality rating and improvement system. Colorado Shines rates Colorado’s early learning
programs, connects families with quality programs, and helps programs improve their quality level. It’s free for
programs, professionals and families to use.

Colorado Shines rates programs from Level 1 to Level 5. We are a Colorado Shines Level 1 rated program, which
means we are licensed in the State of Colorado and we meet basic health and safety requirements.

Visit for more information.

2025 Registration: January 2025
Giving Club Registration: January 27th
Member Registration: January 28th
Scholarship Registration: January 29th

Public Registration: February 5th

Scholarship registration access: 
        Scholarship Registration is open by phone, all others listed online.
        Scholarship spots are set aside ahead of time from general camp registration spots. 

For Summer 2025, each child can only be registered once for each camp theme in their age group. Each child may attend a maximum of three weeks, and we cannot guarantee the availability of specific weeks, themes, or age groups.

Most Museum membership levels include early access to summer camp registration. Summer camp spots are subject to sell-out and cannot be guaranteed for any Museum membership level. Please be aware that Museum membership purchases are final.

Make Their Summer Incredible!


Summer Day Camps get brains and bodies moving! Learn and play as we experiment, create, build, ask questions, and develop a knowledge of and passion for science. Our camps are led by experienced educators offering the best opportunity for fun and learning. For full day camps, children must be at least 5 years of age on or before their first day of camp.

Camps Weeks of June 9 – June 13, June 23 – August 8
$375 member| $410 nonmember
5-Day camps, no camps the week of July 4.
Full Day Camps, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Camps Week of Juneteenth: June 16 – 20
$300 member | $330 nonmember
4-Day camps, no camp on Thursday, June 19 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday.
Full Day Camps, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 

Scholarship Information

If you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, you may qualify for a scholarship that covers 50% or 100% of your camp fees. Call to learn more and to see if you qualify at 303.370.6000

Scholarship registrations: 
Scholarship spots are set aside ahead of time from general camp registration spots. Scholarships constitute 25% of DMNS camp registrations. Scholarships are limited and availability is not guaranteed.

Qualify for a scholarship? Call Guest Services at 303.370.6000, 9 a.m.–5 p.m., starting on Scholarship Registration Day.

*Please be aware that we can experience higher than normal wait times on our phone lines in regards to DMNS camps, and we ask that you are patient as we work to provide a great experience for all guests.

Scholarship spots are funded by generous Museum donors. Thank you, donors!


Summer Camp Registration Form Policy

Check out our updated Summer Camp Policies and Procedures for 2025 (Español).

Once you have purchased your camp(s), you will receive an email from CampDocs with an invitation to create a CampDoc account to then complete your CAMPER REGISTRATION FORMS. To complete your registration form, you will need to provide information required of all State-Licensed child care programs. Each child you registered will need one form filled out, regardless of how many camps they will be attending. We encourage you to have your form completed at least one month before the camp start date to allow plenty of time for review and any necessary edits. 

To ensure that your child has a great experience at camp and for their safety, any Camper Registration Forms not submitted for review or confirmed as “Approved” by the Denver Museum of Nature & Science two weeks prior to the upcoming registered camp date will have their camp registration for the purchased week forfeited without refund. The purchaser of the camp will be asked to provide the email of the individual responsible for the completion of any and all registration forms.  

If your child(ren) attend public schools in the state of Colorado, there is a good chance that we already have access to their updated immunization forms in the correct format. In this case, we will not need immunization records from your camper(s).  If your campers are coming from out of state, or do not attend public schools, we will need this information before they can start camp.  You will be notified if we require you to submit your immunization records via your Camper Registration Form. 

Additionally, DMNS Camp staff are routinely trained in administering emergency medication relating to asthma and/or allergies; including inhalers, oral and/or topical allergy medications, and epinephrine for anaphylaxis. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact Camp Director staff to discuss all other medications that may accompany your child to camp. At least 3 weeks’ notice is required as some medications may call for additional trainings and/or medication administration delegation to meet a camper’s individual medical needs. Camp Director staff can be reached by phone at 303.370.6455.

Camp Schedules

View weekly camp schedules here.

Grades K–1/Grados a K-1

Full Day Summer Camps

Amazing You

June/junio 9–13 • June/junio 23–27 • July/julio 14–18 • July/julio 21–25 • July/julio 28 - August/agosto 1

Your body is brilliant! Celebrate health and find out all about how your body works, from the circulation of your blood to what your body does with the air you breathe into your lungs.

¡Tu cuerpo es brillante! Celebra la salud y descubre cómo funciona tu cuerpo, desde la circulación de tu sangre hasta lo que tu cuerpo hace con el aire que respiras. 

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Fossil Finders

June/junio 9–13 • June/junio 16–20 • June/junio 23–27 • July/julio 14–18 • July/julio 28 – August/agosto 1

Travel back in time and learn how life has changed over billions of years. Visit Prehistoric Journey, study and “dig” for fossils, and compare rocks from different geologic times.

Viaja al pasado y aprende cómo la vida ha cambiado a lo largo de miles de millones de años. Visita Prehistoric Journey, estudia y "excava" fósiles, y compara rocas de diferentes tiempos geológicos. 

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Future Astronauts

June/junio 9–13 •June/junio 16–20 • July/julio 7–11 • July/julio 21–25 • July/julio 28 – August/agosto 1 • August/agosto 4–8

Get to know the basic forms that fly through space in this stellar camp for stargazers. Find out what stars are made of, how they’re different from planets, why comets streak through the sky, and so much more.

Conoce lo que vuela por el espacio en este campamento estelar para observadores de estrellas. Descubre de qué están hechas las estrellas, en qué se diferencian de los planetas, por qué los cometas atraviesan el cielo y mucho más. 

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Go Wild!

June/junio 16–20 • July/julio 7–11 • July/julio 14–18 • July/julio 21–25 • August/agosto 4–8

The animal kingdom is full of surprises. Find out what makes an amphibian different from a bird, if snakes have ears, what milk has to do with mammals, and more on this adventure into the wild world of animals.

El reino animal está lleno de sorpresas. Descubre qué hace que un anfibio sea diferente de un pájaro, si las serpientes tienen orejas, qué tiene que ver la leche con los mamíferos y más en esta aventura por el mundo salvaje de los animales. 

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Grades 2–3/Grados a 2-3

Full Day Summer Camps

Animal Academy

June/junio 16–20 • July/julio 7–11 • July/julio 14–18 • July/julio 21–25 • August/agosto 4–8

Get an inside look at animal success stories as you explore animal survival in the wild. Discover what adaptations help mammals, reptiles, birds, and even humans thrive in their everyday lives and flourish into the future.

Echa un vistazo interno a las historias de éxito de los animales mientras exploras la supervivencia animal en la naturaleza. Descubre qué adaptaciones ayudan a los mamíferos, reptiles, aves e incluso los humanos a prosperar en su vida cotidiana y florecer en el futuro. 

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Can You Dig it?

June/junio 9–13 •June/junio 16–20 • June/junio 23–27 • July/julio 14–18 • July/julio 28 –August/agosto 1

Spend the week journeying through Earth’s prehistoric past. Dig, chisel, create, and discover while learning about Museum discoveries and making some of your own.

Pasa la semana viajando a través del pasado prehistórico de la Tierra. Excava, cincela, crea y explora mientras aprendes sobre los descubrimientos del Museo y haces tus propios descubrimientos. 

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Dynamic Dissectors

June/junio 9–13 • June/junio 23–27 • July/julio 14–18 • July/julio 21–25 • July/julio 28 - August/agosto 1

Get into the science of how your body works in this camp for future nurses and doctors. Using microscopes and other tools of the trade you will discover all the different organ functions and try your own hand at dissections, from cow eye to a sheep heart.

Aprende la ciencia de cómo funciona tu cuerpo en este campamento para futuros enfermeros y medicos. Descubrirás las diferentes funciones de los órganos y hasta realizarás tu propias disecciones, desde un corazón de oveja hasta un ojo de vaca, usando microscopios y otras herramientas especiales. 

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I ART Science

June/junio 9–13 • July/julio 7–11 • July/julio 28 – August/agosto 1 • August/agosto 4–8

Investigate the intersection of science and art in this camp designed to fuel creativity and curiosity. From sculpting and building, to artful scientific illustration, you’ll learn new techniques to express your observations and create art like a scientist! 

Investiga la fusión de la ciencia y el arte en este campamento diseñado para alimentar la creatividad y la curiosidadAprenderás nuevas técnicas para expresar tus observaciones y crear arte como un científico, desde la escultura y la construcción hasta la ilustración científica artística. 

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Space Cadets

June/junio 16–20 • June/junio 23–27 • July/julio 7–11 • July/julio 21–25 • August/agosto 4–8

Strap on your jetpack and blast into space for this awesome astronaut training camp. Figure out what kind of heavenly objects exist in our galaxy, design your own rocket, and prepare to launch with your space crew.

Ponte tu jetpack y vuela al espacio en este increíble entrenamiento de astronautas. Averigüa qué tipo de objetos celestiales existen en nuestra galaxia, diseña tu propio cohete y estudia el mundo espacial. 

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Grades 4–6/Grados a 4-6

Full Day Summer Camps

Backstage Pass

June/junio 23–27 • July/julio 28 – August/agosto 1 • August/agosto 4–8

Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at the Museum? Think you got what it takes to be the muse in Museum? With this backstage pass, you will gain access to areas unseen, discover what makes the Museum run, and put your skills to the test as you design your Camp Museum of Nature & Science.

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué sucede detrás de escena en el Museo? ¿Crees que tienes lo que se necesita para ser una inspiración en el Museo? Con este pase entre bastidores, obtendrás acceso a áreas ocultas, descubrirás cómo funciona el Museo y pondrás a prueba tus habilidades mientras diseñas tu Campamento del Museo de Naturaleza y Ciencia. 

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June/junio 16–20 • July/julio 7–11 • July/julio 21–25 • August/agosto 4–8

Biology, Ecology, Zoology, oh my! Take a deep dive into the animal kingdom to learn about these fantastic beasts' adaptations and environments.  Hone your science skills while observing, classifying, and dissecting to find out what makes these creatures unique.

Biología, Ecología, Zoología y más! Sumérgete profundamente en el reino animal para aprender sobre las adaptaciones y entornos de estas fantásticas bestiasPerfecciona tus habilidades científicas mientras observas, clasificas y diseccionas para descubrir qué hace que estas criaturas sean tan únicas. 

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Galactic Explorers

June/junio 16–20 • July/julio 7–11 • July/julio 21–25 • August/agosto 4–8

Explore planets near and far in this adventure-packed planetary camp. Discover what makes a planet great and design your own, build your own robot to maneuver over the surface of Mars, and create your own colony on the Red Planet.

Explora planetas cercanos y lejanos en este campamento planetario lleno de aventuras. Descubre lo que hace grande a un planeta y diseña un planeta tu mismo, construye tu propio robot para maniobrar sobre la superficie de Marte y crea tu propia colonia en el Planeta Rojo. 

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June/junio 9–13 • July/julio 14–18 • July/julio 28 – August/agosto 1

Animals, humans included, do some pretty gross things. Using the tools of the trade, roll up your sleeves and dissect specimens from some of the grossest of animals. Get ready to get dirty in this camp of curiosities!

Los animales, incluyendo los humanos, hacen algunas cosas bastante raras. Usando herramientas especiales, disecciona especímenes de algunos de los animales más raros. ¡Prepárate para ensuciarte en este campamento de curiosidades! 

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Paleo Pros

June/junio 9–13 • June/junio 23–27 • July/julio 14–18

Expand your knowledge of life, rocks, and the ancient world as you piece together clues and artifacts from throughout Earth’s history with a focus on Colorado’s landscape.

Amplía tu conocimiento de la vida, las rocas y el mundo antiguo mientras encuentras pistas y artefactos de la historia de la Tierra con un enfoque en el paisaje de Colorado. 

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Please complete registration by filling out the required registration forms and emergency information for each camper. These items will be sent out to participants in a separate email, linking to DMNS Camper Registration Forms in the portal. Find our CampDoc Guide here.

Check out our updated Summer Camp Policies and Procedures for 2025 (Español).

Once you have purchased your camp(s), you will receive an email from CampDocs with an invitation to create a CampDoc account to them complete your CAMPER REGISTRATION FORMS. To complete your registration form, you will need information required of all State-Licensed child care programs. Each child you registered will need one form filled out, regardless of how many camps they will be attending. We encourage you to have your form completed at least one month before the camp start date to allow plenty of time for review and any necessary edits.   

To ensure that your child has a great experience at camp and for their safety, any Camper Registration Forms not submitted for review or confirmed as “Approved” by the Denver Museum of Nature & Science two weeks prior to the upcoming registered camp date will have their camp registration for the purchased week forfeited without refund. The purchaser of the camp will be asked to provide the email of the individual responsible for the completion of any and all registration forms.  

If your child(ren) attend public schools in the state of Colorado, there is a good chance that we already have access to their updated immunization forms in the correct format.  We will not need immunizations from your camper(s).  If your campers are coming from out of state, or do not attend public schools, we will need this information before they can start camp.  You will be notified if we require you to submit your immunization records via your Camper Registration Form. 

Additionally, DMNS Camp staff are routinely trained in administering emergency medication relating to asthma and/or allergies; including inhalers, oral and/or topical allergy medications, and epinephrine for anaphylaxis. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact Camp Director staff to discuss all other medications that may accompany your child to camp. At least 3 weeks’ notice is required as some medications may call for additional trainings and/or medication administration delegation to meet a camper’s individual medical needs. Camp Director staff can be reached by phone at 303.370.6455.

Curriculum is designed for children entering into the grades listed for each camp. For instance, if we list a camp as a K-1 camp, it is intended for kids entering kindergarten or first grade. For full day camps, children must be at least 5 years of age on or before their first day of camp.

  • A sack lunch, including a drink (Museum does not provide refrigeration) 
  • Water bottle labeled with your child’s name (water bottles not labeled will be labeled with permanent marker by camp staff)
  • Comfortable, closed-toe shoes (no sandals)
  • Sunscreen (labeled with your child’s full name)
  • Hat/sunglasses
  • Sweatshirt or jacket
  • Change of clothes
  • Backpack or tote bag

Denver Museum of Nature & Science is not responsible for lost or stolen items and we request that personal items remain at home.

Along with a camp t-shirt, each day’s activities, and activity materials, children in full day camps will be given a snack each day. DMNS does it's best to provide dietary friendly snack options for campers that need it due to food allergies or preferences, however, you are still welcome to send an alternative snack with your child.

In the event that your child’s sunscreen is not readily available, DMNS will provide Rocky Mountain Sunscreen Sport SPF 30 if you gave permission on the Emergency Card.

This year, we will be doing Indoor Drop-Off and Pick-Up. Those dropping off will be asked to enter through the South Entrance (School Entrance). The doors will open beginning at 8:45 a.m. each morning. Guests will not be allowed to enter or walk through the main Museum before 9:00 a.m. 

Pick-Up and Drop-Off will be in the Morgridge Family Exploration Center. There will be a designated area for the dropping-off/picking-up adult, and a staff member will walk campers to/from their camp groups. 

For inclement weather instances, we may need to use an alternative indoor drop-off or pick-up location. Communication will be sent outlining changes and signage will be posted. 

To sign a camper out of campadults must present a valid photo ID when picking up any camper at any time. 

Drop-off will occur from 8:45–9 a.m for full day camps. If your child arrives after the scheduled drop-off time, please park and bring your child to the security desk, inside the staff and volunteer entrance near the flag pole on the north side of the Museum. A camp representative will be contacted to meet you to sign in and escort the child to the correct camp.

Pick-up runs every day from about 3:15 – 3:30 p.m.

If you are running late, please call 303.370.6455 to let us know you’re coming.

Full Day Summer Camps are offered from 9 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.

The cost for members is $305/week and the cost for nonmembers is $335/week.

For the week of June 19 (June 17 – 21), the cost for members is $245 and the cost for nonmembers is $270.

Denver Museum of Nature & Science is not offering Early and Late care for summer camps.

Denver Museum of Nature & Science is located at 2001 Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80205. Directions to the museum can be found on our website at

Each group will be supervised at all times by trained adult educators. All educators have previous experience working with children. Throughout the week, your child may also work with Denver Museum of Nature & Science staff. 

At the beginning of the week, you will be provided with a schedule of camp activities. You can also view your camp group(s) schedule here. If you would like to know more about specific activities, please call the Children’s Programs line at 303.370.6455.

Camps may include a variety of animal dissections. Dissection are an elective activity - parent/guardians and campers may opt out at any time. 

During our Summer Camps, each group has at least 30 minutes planned to be outside. We follow Child Care Weather Watch guidelines when deciding to stay inside due to temperature, rain or other circumstances. Groups are encouraged to take advantage of nice weather and head out into City Park - this is camp, after all!

Please call 303.370.6455 or 303.370.6000 and the staff member who answers will be able to assist you and/or locate your child.

Camp staff and many Denver Museum of Nature & Science staff members are trained in CPR and First Aid and are able to deal with emergencies as they occur. Should your child need medical attention, we will follow the information provided on your Emergency Card and contact 911 if needed. Parents will be notified of any incident, regardless of its severity. If 911 is called, parents and emergency contacts will be contacted as quickly as possible.

Building Emergencies

Our staff is constantly monitoring the environment and will closely supervise children during the day of camp to ensure that all children can play, learn, and interact in a safe and fun manner. The DMNS security staff and all DMNS Science Camp staff are trained in and adhere to the DMNS emergency policies and procedures.  

In the event of emergency, we follow all evacuation (fire or power outage), call to shelter (tornado), and safe haven (active shooter) procedures as outlined in detail in the DMNS Emergency Procedures Manual. We will take extra steps to evacuate children with disabilities and special needs.  

Parents/Guardians are encouraged, if possible, to administer medication to their child outside of camp hours. If it is necessary for your child to receive prescription or over-the-counter medication during camp, your child’s physician must complete a Medication Authorization Form. Please note that any medication that needs to be dispenses can only be done on written order or by a prescription from a physician to the child’s parent or guardian, or to the camp, with knowledge and written consent of the parent or guardian. 

In order to distribute any prescription or over-the-counter medication to your child, Camp staff must have a Medication Authorization Form, an Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and Medication Orders Form, Asthma Care Plan Form, and/or other necessary or required medical care plans/health orders a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of child’s camp session. DMNS Camp staff are routinely trained in administering emergency medication relating to asthma and/or allergies; including inhalers, oral and/or topical allergy medications, and epinephrine for anaphylaxis, as listed on the forms mentioned.

It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to contact Camp Director staff to discuss all other medications that may accompany your child to camp. At least 3 weeks’ notice is required as some medications may call for additional medical care plans/heath orders, as well as trainings and/or medication administration delegation to meet a camper’s individual medical needs. Camp Director staff can be reached by phone at 303.370.6455.

Upon review of any submitted medication information and/or forms, it may be necessary to meet with the parent to develop a Health Plan.

Medication must be kept in the original container and must match doctor authorized forms to be accepted. Prescription medicine containers must bear the original pharmacy label that shows the prescription number, name of medication, date filled, physician’s name, child’s name, and directions for dosage.  Children without approved medical forms or with medicines, epinephrine injectors, or inhalers that do not match authorization forms and doctor approvals, or who have expired medicines will not be allowed to attend camp until forms and medicines match and are approved by a camp director or nurse. 

If you have additional question around medications at camp, please call 303.370.6455.

All sales are final. The Museum has a “no refund” policy. Full refunds will be given only if the Museum cancels a camp.

Exceptions can be requested in the case of death in the family, severe illness or for required quarantine due to COVID-19.

Camps may be transferred by contacting Guest Services, 303.370.6000, 9 A.M. - 5 P.M.

Please feel free to contact the camp director team at 303.370.6455 with any concerns about your child’s experience at Denver Museum of Nature & Science’s Summer Camps. If you wish to file an official complaint, please contact the Colorado Department of Early Childhood; 710 S. Ash St., Denver, Colorado; 80246; 303.866.5958.

When registration for our summer camps opens to members, we will be using a registration queue. To prepare for these camps, all guest will experience a virtual queue to enter the web store. This queue allows us to better manage traffic flow and minimize the rush of everyone shopping at once. One thing the queue will not change is that camp registrations are still available first-come, first-served, and not guaranteed.

How the queue works:

  1. The queue waiting room will open at 9:30 a.m. Until 10 a.m. you will be placed in a pre-queue waiting room.
  2. When the sale begins, the queue will open and you will be randomly assigned a place in line for access to the web store, ticketing, and account login.
  3. Once it is your turn, log into the webstore using your email and password. Camps will be found under the Summer Camps menu.  Select your camp spots and proceed to check out. Please note, Summer Camp is in high demand, and therefore registrations are first-come, first-served, and not guaranteed.

For a smoother shopping experience, we recommend…

  • Confirm you can successfully Log In to your online Museum account and see member priced tickets prior to registration day.
  • Don't have an account? Create one using your member number and last name. Call Guest Services at 303-370-6000 if you require assistance in getting your web store account set up.
  • Make sure that your membership will be active through the summer start date of your camp(s).
  • Have your camper(s)’ first and last name, date of birth, and the email of the parent/guardian responsible for Camper Registration Forms ready!
  • While you are in the queue, your spot will be automatically and frequently refreshed, so please do not refresh, close, or leave the page. When it is your turn, you will gain access to the web store, ticketing, and account login.


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